Press release, public 01.09.2018 1530

Nordic Pilots’ Meeting in Oulu, Finland.

The national pilot associations of the nordic countries; Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Norway held their yearly meeting in Oulu 31.08.-01.09.2018.

The Nordic pilots have learned that the safety standard on pilot transfer arrangements in some ports in Denmark has been reduced significantly. This is due to substandard equipment being used e.g. small port tugboats used in open sea areas. This causes an immediate threat to the pilots’ life and safety of shipping.

This unacceptable practice contradicts to best standards for safe pilot transfer both within the Nordic countries, as well as in Europe. The only safe way to transfer pilots is with purposely designed equipment.


Lars Sigvardt, President, Danske Lodser
Antti Rautava,   President, Luotsiliitto
Patrik Wikand, President, Svenska Lotsförbundet
Johannes Sivertsen, President, Norsk Losforbund


For further information please contact Captain Lars Sigvardt, +45 2388 1171,

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